Monday, October 1, 2018

Willing to Surrender

Good day, dear reader. Today is the first day of October in the year of our Lord 2018. This is a great day, for it means the beginning of OctPoWriMo. October Poetry Writing Month has been dear to me for a long time, and although my participation in it has been lacking the last couple years, it is time once again to embrace the challenge. My muse has been gone for a long time. I am hoping that this month will be a breakout month for me, and for my poetry.

Today's prompt is about surrender, and what it means to us. How do we define it? I dug into my past and glanced into my present. The result is my first poem of OctPoWriMo 2018. I hope you enjoy it.

Rod E. Kok
October 1, 2018

I used to open up
about how deep
I was sinking
into quicksand.

Open yet closed,
nobody really knew

Demons were my lovers;
the succubus
held a flame
to my heart.

Willing to surrender,
I fought myself.
I hurt my body,
my soul…

Today I am different.
Weakness is still
my strength;
temptation still
holds my hand.

I recognize myself
in the mirror of
I reach out to me,
showing grace
where none is deserved.

Willing to surrender,
I forgive the old me.
I embrace myself,
and learn
to love.


  1. This is incredibly touching, Rod. I love the juxtaposition of how you worded fighting and, yet, being willing to surrender until finally you figured out that you have to embrace it instead. It's wonderful. There's a lot of growth here, and not just in how you feel at the end of the poem, but in the poem itself. I love it. Also, I dedicated my poem to you. I posted it on my personal site and The Well Tempered Bards (I'm now writing there too), which is where the dedication is. So well done you on the first day's poem. :-)

  2. Pretty powerful, Aramis, and very worthy of your talent! Can't wait to see what else you bring to the table.

  3. Very evocative poem. Looking forward to reading more of your work.
