Monday, June 29, 2009

8 is enough

Hello again, dear reader.  Again, it is time for an update on Dianne.  So without further ado, let’s go.  And I promise I will not make any ‘Michael Jackson is dead!!’ references.  You’d probably tell me to beat it.  Or start calling me Billie Jean.  Or tell me to mind my own ABC’s.  Well I tell you, I’m struggling with the man in the mirror, and not everything is black or white.  Ok, enough of that…it’s been a real thriller.

Now, for the update.  This past Thursday, Dianne had her consultation with the oncologist.  He was thrilled because the tumors have shrunk to 5 x 4 cm.  Based on that, he is going to go ahead with the full run of chemotherapy, meaning that Dianne had 3 left as of Thursday.  Also, her blood counts came back to normal, which meant that chemo was a go for the next day.

And with that, the chemo was administered, along with all the steroids that come with it.  The steroids cause insomnia, so Dianne did not get much sleep over the weekend.  The administration of the chemo went real well.  This is the 2nd round of the 2nd type of chemo, and with this one comes a drug called Herceptin.  The Herceptin is used because Dianne is HER2 positive.  With the first dose of Herceptin, it took 90 minutes to IV it into her, and with the second one it was 60 minutes.  I believe that 3 and 4 will take only 30 minutes to get it in.  The actual chemo (Taxetere) is administered after the Herceptin.  So, we were at the CCI for about 3 1/2 hours this time around.

The side effects of the Taxetere don’t kick in usually until Monday.  These effects consist of muscle pain, joint pain and bone pain.  Thankfully there has been no nausea associated with the chemo so far.  The pain can be controlled with Tylenol, although there are risks with that too (it masks fever).  Is this all repeat?  Have I mentioned any of this before?  If I have, please accept my apologies.  If I haven’t then there is no need for apologies LOL.

So, where are we and what is ahead?  Right now, Dianne is done 6 out of 8 chemo treatments.  Following chemo is surgery, followed by radiation followed by more surgery (reconstructive).  And today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday….we’ll deal with Tuesday when it comes.  That’s how we live…day by day.

This week, Dianne and the kids are at her mom and dad’s in Camp Creek.  Hopefully they have a great time there, and hopefully Dianne feels well enough to enjoy it.

A very special thanks goes to Laura P. for injecting the Neulasta into Dianne on Saturday.   And thanks to Rita G. for being available if Laura couldn’t do it.  Thanks also to everyone who’s supporting us through prayers and good wishes.  We appreciate it all!!!



Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Latest…..

Dear Reader

Really, truly and honestly…..there is nothing new.  Everything is good right now.  Thursday will be another consultation to find out how Dianne’s blood counts are, when the next chemo will be and if there has been any change in the tumours. 

So, check up here again on Thursday or Friday.

Until then….cheers.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finally…an update

Greetings, dear reader.  Finally I am getting around to publishing an update.  Again, laziness has struck, and I find myself sitting on the couch not blogging more often than not.  My evenings are spent with Dianne, with the kids…and once they’re in bed I sit here with a glass of wine and play some video games.  Really, I need to make time to keep all of you updated.

 At last update, we discussed how Dianne’s 5th treatment was delayed.  Well, a one week reprieve is all she needed for her blood counts to come back to normal.  And so, the treatment was administered.  During the week off, we had visits from our Pastor and his intern, plus a visit from two elders from our church.  These evenings were very enjoyable…it was more proof that there is a tremendous amount of support for us.

 So.  The treatment.  It went well.  I wasn’t present for this one…I went to David’s sports day in Neerlandia (Rebecca came along as well), and so Henrietta went to ‘chemo day’ with Dianne.  For those of you who followed along with my Facebook status updates, you’ll kind of have an idea how the weekend went.  Dianne has been able to eat and drink with no repercussions at all.  This is really a ‘new’ experience for us…the past treatments have drastically her ability to keep food and drink in for about 3 days following.

 Now, don’t get me wrong.  She has not felt all that great following the treatment, but it could have been so much worse.  The muscle aches and pains showed up on Monday evening.  Thankfully, by then the insomnia was starting to disappear (she was done taking the round of steroids).  As of this writing, the aches and pains are still there, and we’re unsure of how long this lasts.

 On Monday, Dianne and I went for a consultation with the radiologist.  We discussed the pro’s and con’s of radiation.  You’re probably wondering why we would have this consultation now.  After all, radiation won’t happen until after surgery.  Well, the radiologist needs time to plan out the treatments, and also needs to get herself familiar with Dianne and her situation.  It was a very good consult, and we feel very comfortable with radiation as another treatment.   Radiation will take place at least 4 weeks after surgery, depending on how well Dianne is healing.  She will go for at least 20 treatments….5 per week for 4 weeks.

 Dear reader, I think that brings you up to date.  I might have forgotten something, but that should not surprise anyone who knows me.    I know it’s been said before, but I must say it again…thank you all very much for your thoughts and prayers, and for every other form of support you’ve given.  Words cannot express how deeply we appreciate it.

 A quick shout out to Dana….you go girl!!!  Only one chemo left for you!!!  God bless, my friend!!!!
