Vows were made
so many years ago.
Love was strong,
our candle burned bright
the glow of its light
illumined our path.
Time moved forward
along pathways we walked.
hand in hand,
learning, loving.
I've watched you grow,
As a woman, a wife.
A mother.
My best friend.
Amazement fills my thoughts,
through it all
you smile, even amidst tears,
or while pain racked your body...
Your beautiful body
glowing with passion, yet
scarred with sickness...
Love blinds us to
what we don't see,
our eyes are opened
to normal.
Our normal.
You keep us all strong
even when weakness
hugs you in an
unwanted embrace.
My love is
than it ever was.
For you are
my helpmeet
my passion
our rock.
My hero.