Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Hello dear reader

I am a few days behind in my writing for OctPoWriMo. I have thought about not finishing, as I am having troubles finding my muse. But, continue I will. At my own pace. 
Please enjoy Day 5's poem, which prompted us to write something based on lessons learned. I think I have captured it quite well in an acrostic called Epiphany.


Each day anew, I see the
Possibility that
I will experience
Having the ability to deal with
A lot of negatives will
Never let me down.
Yesterday is in the past.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Hello dear reader...today is Day 5 of OctPoWriMo. I had a really good start to my piece for Day 4, but really struggled with the ending. Finally today, I got it. So I will post Day 4's piece now, and hopefully by tonight I will have Day 5 written.

Our prompt on Day 4 was:
Where does poetry hide in your life? In your city? Are you moved by clouds and water? Stormy skies or sunshine and fluffy clouds? Maybe this prompt can be a poetic vacation, a way for you to give words to your dream location.

I hope you enjoy what I turned this into. 

In the murky depths
of my algae riddled mind
lie words yet to written,
thoughts not yet born.

Behind eyes filled with sadness,
creativity is blurred
but not broken;
tears fall,
only to form
passionate patterns in verse.

Inspiration can be heard
in every raindrop;
listening to a whispering muse
takes effort and will.

A heart beats in time,
setting a tempo
with the rhythm of its needs;
its cadence keeps me aware
of my wakening need
to write.

My soul is laid out,
taking everything
which comes it's way
and turns it into

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Dear reader, my post for day 3 of OctPoWriMo is intentionally untitled. You see, we were prompted to write a Cherita. Here is some info on it:
- The golden rule about a cherita is that it tells a story.
- A cherita is a very loose form. They are a stanza based form rather than a syllable-based one. And it is tradition that they are rarely titled. The form is simple: 

1 line stanza
2 line stanza
3 line stanza

The subject of the prompt is 'A Taste of Metal'. There are so many ways to go with this: Heavy metal music, the metal of my dentist's tool, to the metal of jewelry. But once again, I put my own slant on it.

I rarely write anything that could be a lightning rod for criticism. My intention with this Cherita is to say something about us as humans. I truly believe in what I wrote, and I will stand by it to my last breath. I hope, dear reader, that you understand and appreciate what I write. Even if you don't agree.


it seems to be human tendency
to have a desire to play
judge, jury and executioner

without paying heed to that very framework
in which our belief system is based;
it is foil in my teeth knowing that I too, am human.

Monday, October 2, 2017

What is the Question

Welcome to day 2 of OctPoWriMo, dear reader. Today's prompt is...well, I am not going to tell you. My wife calls today's poem 'cryptic', and that is high praise indeed. For I meant it to be. I will not carry on with a great introduction, but rather I will say "Enjoy the poem".


A slinger of ink
a hoister of thought,
I bandy words about

My muse dabbles in form,
creativity freely flirts
with no shame
or rhyme.

With a preference to love,
I cannot abide
animosity through what I scribble.
Let me enchant you
in verse,
allow my contemplations
to beguile you.

Erratic though it may seem,
there is always a purpose,
a thread that ties
it all together.

what I have presented,
on this declaration of purpose.

If my words are enough,
then I need not state
the question which has
been answered.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

How Did I Get Here

Dear reader, I am back. I don't know how long I am back for, how long this will last. Those of you who have followed me over the years know that I am passionate about poetry. That passion has been very diminished for over a year...my words dried up. But once again, I am given the opportunity to write, following a theme that many other poets will be following. Yes, OctPoWriMo 2017 is upon us. How long will this last? I don't know. Will I accomplish 31 poems in 31 days. I don't know. But on day one, I wrote a poem. And to me, that is a good start.

Our prompt question today is "How did you get here?". There are many ways a poet could go with this. It is a wonderful prompt. I hope you enjoy my first poem in quite some time, and I hope you enjoy my take on the prompt.


How did I get here?
What has my journey
been like?
I promise you this,
a road full of twists
lies behind me,
mountains and valleys
have seen me pass.
Where I have been
defines me,
where I am going
mystifies me.
How did I get here?
I am not sure it matters.
Dwelling on the past
is not always
the right fork in the road.
But I promise you this:
how I got here
will strengthen me
for where I am going.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Hello dear reader.
'Alright' is a poem I wrote last night while lying in bed. I was reflecting on my day, on the counselling session I had in the afternoon. And with that reflection came these words. I hope you enjoy it.

Rod E. Kok
February 1, 2017

I am going to be alright,
but I do not know when.
I will heal from the hurt
I have caused myself.

My fingers are open wounds,
nails tear at my skin
in a false act of penance.
I will recover from the pain;
I am going to be

I have vilified myself;
Judge, jury,
Where do I go from here?
I want to be okay.

I am going to be okay.
I will reduce
my self imposed sentence.
I will learn to acquit,
accepting a sentence
of forgiveness.

Though my weakness
will remain,
I will be alright.

I want to fight.
For me.
For you.
I want to be free
from those shackles
I bound myself with.

My heart will be stronger,
my soul more content.
I am going to be alright.
I am going to be

Saturday, January 14, 2017

To Be Myself

Good evening dear reader

Once again, I am sharing a poem that is very much me. Although I am very uncomfortable sharing this much, I believe it is good for my mental health. Speaking about my struggles can be difficult, and I don't always know what to say. For me, poetry is a release. Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment...I would love to hear from you.

Rod E. Kok
January 14, 2017

I should not continue
down this lonely path
of self destruction.

But I do not know
how to stop.

I need to learn forgiveness,
as you have forgiven me.
Yet my conscience works tirelessly
to keep the accusations coming.

Still bound up
in chains of guilt,
I struggle to find that link
which was broken
to set me free.

I should not continue
to deny myself of mercy.
But I do not know
anything different.

I should not continue
to be myself.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Barefoot and Cold

Good morning dear reader,

Once again this morning, I share with you a very personal moment. This poem reveals, yet hides. I am on a journey of great import, my struggles are real. Most times I feel I am walking alone, barefoot and cold. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
January 11, 2017

Over a bridge I traveled;
nobody carried me, I walked alone.
Barefoot and cold.
Spending time
on the side of bad choices,
no one offered me shelter.

I trudged along, sinking deeper
into consequence.
My path went awry;
too many forks
on the path I followed.
I walked alone.

I turned back,
hoping to find
that bridge I had crossed,
barefoot and cold.

Time passed,
determination waned.
I almost gave up.

But I found my bridge,
only to see the route closed off.
Rock upon rock barricades my way,
preventing my return
to the side of forgiveness.
Each rock a confession,
every admission provides
a way through.

Moving those rocks
fills me with fear.
I am going to cross this bridge,
hoping I don’t arrive
barefoot and cold.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Good afternoon dear reader,

Today's poem is deeply personal. It was written during my lunch break today, and reflects my true feelings about my upcoming counselling session. Welcome to this part of my brain...it isn't a very nice place to be. 

Rod E. Kok
January 10, 2017

Today is another day
when I put myself
into a position of

Today is another day
when someone is allowed
on my side
of the wall.

I hate these days,
mostly because
they are so damn necessary;
I need these days
to help me heal
my broken mind.

What has all this confession done,
other than make me withdraw
even more?
I seem unable
to forgive myself.

Confession and forgiveness,
the theme of my sessions.
But what is the point?
I have confessed to someone
I pay to listen,
my soul has been bared
to someone who has
no vested interest.

I could never confess to you
the very things I have unloaded
on her, my counsellor.
I could never divulge my sin
to those I would hurt.

Again I ask, what is the point?
It seems best to hide
behind my wall,
striving to forget
I ever existed.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Good morning dear reader
Here is today's offering. The prompt over at Dverse is to write a Choka. The Choka or Long Poem is believed to be the most intricate of Japanese poetry and was used to tell a story; many were epic with over 100 lines. This form was popular between the 1st and 13th centuries, the earliest example was discovered in the 1st century and described a battle. It was 149 lines long. The Choka had a tradition of being recited in a high-pitched voice.
This form is based on a series of Katauta joined together. The Katauta is considered the basic unit of Japanese poetry using either the 17 (5-7-5) unit onji or the 19 (5-7-7) unit onji. In Western terms an onji is what we call a syllable. Many of us are familiar with these particular onji as we have used them in writing haiku, tanka and sedoka. The Choka is an unrhymed poem alternating five and seven syllables that ends with an extra seven syllable line.
I hope you enjoy this poem.

Rod E. Kok
January 7, 2017

Cold winter morning
nature stays quietly still
hoarfrost sits on trees
Deathly quiet shrouds our world
wintry paradise
man and beast slumber in peace
Eastern sun ascends
western darkness disappears
soft light emerges
Morning birds find their voices
mankind breaks his fast
creatures arise searching food
Frigid day passes
time moves slowly in this chill
dusky haze moves in
Clear dark sky predicting cold
no cloudy blanket
man and beast prepare to sleep
The land rests silent
winter’s bleak night becomes real
hoarfrost quietly settles.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Another Chance

Good day, dear reader. This morning I happened to poke my head into the Dverse Poets Pub to see if anything was happening. Lo and behold, there was a hostess with a new prompt. The prompt was in the form of visuals, art work with the theme 'New Beginnings’. The art that spoke to me is below, followed by the words it inspired. Please enjoy Sylvia's art and my words. I’m sure glad I stopped by the pub.

Rod E. Kok
January 3, 2017

We should embrace this chance
to start again.
Though hiding in
the cocoon of our past,
let us work our way out
of that which would hold
us back.
With wild abandon,
colorize your life.
Fiery oranges provide impetus
for passionate reds;
take hold
of this momentum,
rise to heights
never before reached.
Embrace this chance
for a new beginning;
you may never get
another chance.

Artwork provided and posted with permission by:

Sylvia Chan – “New Beginning”
“Sylvia is an Ontario Certified Teacher who creates opportunities for people to get in touch with their inner ‘artist’ and inspires youth to make a difference in the community by use of their creativity and imagination.” ~About Sylvia Chan Art~

Monday, January 2, 2017

Not Sorry - a quadrille

Hello dear reader

Today I wrote a poem called a Quadrille. If you are new to Quadrille the rules are easy. Write a poem of exactly 44 words. That's it. Today's prompt also asks us to incorporate the word 'curl'. So, my word count is right and I used the word. And I am not sorry. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
January 2, 2017

The very idea
of someone touching my feet
makes my toes curl.
And not in a good way.
Go ahead and try,
but only if
you want to get kicked.
I cannot be responsible
for a bruise I may inflict.
I am not sorry.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

3D Art ~ Josie and the snake

Hi all

Here is my first render of 2017. I like the idea of using this character (Teen Josie 6) as my focus for fantastical renders. I hope to be posting more of this sort of art this year. I hope you enjoy it.

PS: If you click on the picture, it will open in its full size.
