Sunday, September 23, 2018

Back in the Saddle Again

Feb. 21, 2018. That was the last time I wrote a poem. It was also the last time I published a poem. I miss it, dear reader. I really do miss trying to put some words together that form poetry. And I am happy for the subjectivity of poetry. It does not matter if it is good or not. Either way, it is poetry. And that is why I can publish today's piece. I know it is not great...and I don't care. It is mine. I own it. And hopefully, it means what the title says. 

Rod E. Kok

I am going to try find
some words that make sense;
or at the very least,
that I am proud
to have written.

Maybe I will start
with something simple;
or perhaps this effort
will just be
a jumble of thoughts.

I suppose it doesn’t matter;
sensible or illogical,
does anybody really care?

I don’t.

I am breaking my own rules,
using words I’ve sworn
to never include in a work.

And I feel really darn good
that I am trying
to get back
in the saddle again.


  1. Oh, I love it! Stream of consciousness poems work well for just getting the words out. Doesn't matter if they make sense or not. It's good practice. And I'm so glad I get to write and read with you again. 😊

  2. This is wonderful. Simple in its intent, but speaks loudly of desire.
