Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I haven't written for the patrons at the pub for a while, so this one is for them. Cheers!

Mistakes. Part of life,
says this foolish man
who has made plenty.

Aye, my cup is full
with remnants of memories.
Rash decisions that seemed
good at the time.

That very cup used to hold
a heart, beating wildly
with thoughts of a future
planned to perfection.

(was this the mistake?)
Listening to rules,
feeling guilty about being
so unsure...doubting everything.

Doubt lingers, the cup
spills over with present,
past and future.

Mistakes of the past
often turn into
blessings for the future.

Erroneous choices don't define
who I turned out to be.

Doubt gets redefined
to wondering
(what if?)

Mistakes I have made,
and will make again.
But I've learned to drink
from the cup
so it doesn't

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

Good evening, dear reader.

Do you see the change? The website has officially moved to Google. This transition was the one I was dreading most, and to be honest I was not even sure I was going to do it. Fifafan.ca has been hosted by MacHighway for quite a while, and they have been a wonderful host. I also enjoyed working with Wordpress a lot. Leaving MacHighway and Wordpress comes with some disadvantages. I no longer have my @fifafan.ca email addresses. I no longer have the customization ability that Wordpress gives me. Those are the two main ones. But change is as good as the rest, and I admit that going Google will give me a little more piece of mind. I no longer have to worry about my site getting hacked because of an outdated piece of code lingering about in the database. I no longer have to worry about remembering to do the updates of the many plugins that I used in Wordpress. I no longer have to pay for a webhost. And I can post to my blog by email! Yes the decision to move was hard, but in the end I will be happy with it. I can still customize the look quite a bit, so it will stay fresh. And so, my full transition to Google Apps is almost complete. As I've always said...Google is my friend.

Until next time, good night.