Monday, October 13, 2014

Colour of Life

Dear reader, it has been some time since I've written a Haiku. As I was travelling today (a 6 hour drive from my parents place to home), I was thinking about the #OctPoWriMo prompt for day 13. Colour. What does colour mean to me? And as I was driving, I decided to write a haiku, mostly because it was a form I could work with in my head, and have my wife write down the nonsense as it came to me. And so, somewhere along Highway 2 northbound, my poem was born. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
October 13, 2014

Yellows, greens and reds
teardrops fall on resting land
the colour of life


  1. I love haiku! I spend a lot of time writing haiku myself. It's perfect. Great job!! :-)

  2. I tried just dictating my poems but my wife makes me type for myself.
