Monday, October 27, 2014


Hello once again, dear reader. The prompt for day 27 of #OctPoWriMo is sleep. We were given some key words to work with. I was curious as to where this prompt would take me, and the result is quite unexpected. I decided that I did not want to write in my normal form, which is free-verse. I have stepped outside my comfort zone a couple times this month, and have enjoyed every minute of it. Discovering new ways of exercising my brain and honing my craft is exciting and refreshing. I did write an acrostic poem and have a nonet as a WIP, but neither of these will get published for now. 

Today, I went with a cinquain. You can read about this particular form here.  In short, it is a 22 syllable poem, non-rhyming, with the syllables per line being 2, 4, 6, 8, 2.  I don't know if I strictly adhered to all the rules, but there are different schools of thought about the cinquain, different ways to do it. I did stay with the syllable count, as that seems to be the most important. I hope you enjoy this poem. It is very much in line with what I posted on day 26. The prompt naturally led me here. 

Rod E. Kok
October 27, 2014

immersed in dreams
subconscious thoughts of you
warm and safe in our bed, alone
come home


  1. I hope she comes home soon! You're breaking my heart. :-)
    Love the cinquain.

  2. Lovely! I remember learning how to write cinquains eons ago...hadn't thought about them for a long while...might have to try my hand at one or two. Thanks for the beautiful reminder of the art.

  3. Nice! so much said in so few words :-)

  4. Bravo for trying something different. You certainly wrote an effective cinquain! I'm a great fan of brevity in poetry - it forces us to condense, with just enough words to get across what we want to say.
