Sunday, October 1, 2017

How Did I Get Here

Dear reader, I am back. I don't know how long I am back for, how long this will last. Those of you who have followed me over the years know that I am passionate about poetry. That passion has been very diminished for over a words dried up. But once again, I am given the opportunity to write, following a theme that many other poets will be following. Yes, OctPoWriMo 2017 is upon us. How long will this last? I don't know. Will I accomplish 31 poems in 31 days. I don't know. But on day one, I wrote a poem. And to me, that is a good start.

Our prompt question today is "How did you get here?". There are many ways a poet could go with this. It is a wonderful prompt. I hope you enjoy my first poem in quite some time, and I hope you enjoy my take on the prompt.


How did I get here?
What has my journey
been like?
I promise you this,
a road full of twists
lies behind me,
mountains and valleys
have seen me pass.
Where I have been
defines me,
where I am going
mystifies me.
How did I get here?
I am not sure it matters.
Dwelling on the past
is not always
the right fork in the road.
But I promise you this:
how I got here
will strengthen me
for where I am going.


  1. Hi Rod! I remember your musings from a couple of OctPos ago. You're off to a good start with this tender-yet-resolute offering. :-)

  2. I am glad you decided to join us again this year. I don't know if you realize this but quite a few of us stopped blogging and writing over the last year or so (me included). We are on this poetry journey together and I enjoyed reading yours.
