Good evening dear reader
Once again, I am sharing a poem that is very much me. Although I am very uncomfortable sharing this much, I believe it is good for my mental health. Speaking about my struggles can be difficult, and I don't always know what to say. For me, poetry is a release. Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment...I would love to hear from you.
Rod E. Kok
January 14, 2017
I should not continue
down this lonely path
of self destruction.
But I do not know
how to stop.
I need to learn forgiveness,
as you have forgiven me.
Yet my conscience works tirelessly
to keep the accusations coming.
Still bound up
in chains of guilt,
I struggle to find that link
which was broken
to set me free.
I should not continue
to deny myself of mercy.
But I do not know
anything different.
I should not continue
to be myself.
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