Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Words are Music

Written for OpenLinkNight at the pub at dVersePoets.

Softly in the background
the music played.
Singers sang the words
that made the people
Emotion brought on by
different voices,
the haunting tunes,
melody and harmony;
words that cut to the quick.
Chords were made alive
resonating through us all.
We didn't know that the notes
lived in us, through us.
Put your words to music
is what the writer wrote.
What notes need to be struck?
A dirge or a ditty,
how will it sound to those who hear?
What you say shows the bar
filled with halfs and wholes,
quarters and eighths.
Lines up, lines down,
it doesn't change the sound
of our words or the tune
that accompanies them.
Rest. Breathe. Sing.
Forte! Double forte!!
We long to be heard,
our passion is the sound
of our own voice.
Our love is tied
to what we speak.
Sing of love, of desire.
Sing with a smile.
Speak from the heart.
Write your song,
speak your heart.
Our words are music.


  1. Wonderful! I love the message of this, strong and potent

  2. enjoy that this speaks to the song coming from inner self….when we hear that play…it all comes together. Creativity is the link to compassion <3 ~ Send peace and love ~ Rose

  3. nicely done. strong piece. really like this stanza a lot:

    What you say shows the bar
    filled with halfs and wholes,
    quarters and eighths.
    Lines up, lines down,
    it doesn’t change the sound
    of our words or the tune
    that accompanies them.

  4. Impressive Rod.

  5. write your song, sing your heart…music has a way to move people in such a way…love the same…mix the two and you have an incredible combination….nicely done sir…

    did not see your link over at dverse….but saw you on twitter…

  6. Beautiful! Many years ago, I had the pleasure of singing with pub crawling group of boys…miss those days something terrible. While I could never quite grasp the theory, if I managed to hit a note, I was not one to leave it quickly! Words and music sustain me, as cheeseball as that may sound…this combines them both flawlessly…thank you!
