Saturday, January 12, 2013

97 Years

Written for Dversepoets and the prompt given by Stuart McPherson with the theme of ‘Growing Up’

 97 years of memories
fail to yield a single thought.
Only the albums of history
tell the tale of a man
who has seen it all.
From wars that stopped
the forces of evil
to the rose colored blush
of the woman he loved,
colorful pictures exist.
He doesn’t recall
the friends of his youth,
but the picture of boyhood
in black & white hues
reveals a simple happiness.
the faces of his parents
are whispers in the darkened
eyes of his mind.
They are long gone, but
their effect on him
shows in how he lived
his life.
Strong and proud
he grew from boy
to man under his
own terms.
Life’s harsh reality
became mere bumps
in the road to
97 years.
A lifetime of
memories are gone
from a man who
always remained
a boy.


  1. There is such tenderness and respect in these lines, and a real empathy with this man’s loss.

  2. Susie Clevenger (@wingsobutterfly)March 1, 2013 at 6:34 PM

    Such beauty and depth….I think there remains a boy in every man. It reminds me of my father…so many similarities. Wonderful piece.

  3. i used to feel 18…I was 50…now I think I feel about 26….nearer 70….love this post and poem Gretchen.

  4. i’m glad someone wrote of this time in a man’s life..the ultimate growth, the max, at least as physically possible..yet the mind grew weak and memories bittersweet

  5. What a powerful write here! It is no small thing to have lived 97 years. You brought him to life with your words, and I do hope you will share this poem with those who know him well. He has seen so much!

  6. This piece reminded me of a conversation between two older gentlemen I heard last week…one of them was like you know what happens as you get older? You get watch everyone and everything around you fade into memories. Nicely done.

  7. smiles…a very moving piece….which got me thinking of my own childhood…and growing up …in a sense there are parts of me i never want to grow up…it is interesting which memories do stick with us…

  8. wow- to live 97 years…you would see so much. I wonder if at 97, you still feel like you are growing up?….very cool take on the prompt

  9. nice..i like that he always remained a boy…97 years…oh wow…that’s a long time to look back to..

  10. Wow, this is very deep. My landlady is turning 99 next month and this made me think of her. Very nicely written.

  11. Incredible, reading this makes me feel like I should know the subject. Well done Rod.
