Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

Good evening, dear reader.

Do you see the change? The website has officially moved to Google. This transition was the one I was dreading most, and to be honest I was not even sure I was going to do it. has been hosted by MacHighway for quite a while, and they have been a wonderful host. I also enjoyed working with Wordpress a lot. Leaving MacHighway and Wordpress comes with some disadvantages. I no longer have my email addresses. I no longer have the customization ability that Wordpress gives me. Those are the two main ones. But change is as good as the rest, and I admit that going Google will give me a little more piece of mind. I no longer have to worry about my site getting hacked because of an outdated piece of code lingering about in the database. I no longer have to worry about remembering to do the updates of the many plugins that I used in Wordpress. I no longer have to pay for a webhost. And I can post to my blog by email! Yes the decision to move was hard, but in the end I will be happy with it. I can still customize the look quite a bit, so it will stay fresh. And so, my full transition to Google Apps is almost complete. As I've always said...Google is my friend.

Until next time, good night.


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