Only sadness as I wrote this. It's not a personal experience, but for many it is too real.
Driving along, thoughts wanderingimagination going wildwith thoughts ofparties and fun,drinks and his favorite girl. In the zone, signs clearly stoodspeed limit obviousdouble the finespeople workingsons and daughters,Dads and Moms. 110 through a 70not a cop in sighthe could almost tastethe beerand feel the burnof whiskey. Earning that pay chequeto fund a college degree,or to put food on the table,to pay the mortgagepay the tax manJust an hour left in this cold day. Light traffic.Good, don't have to delayhis arrival.Anticipation... Squealing tiresscreamsthudssirens Supper got coldwaiting forthe arrival of Dad, Mom?Why the tears?Family grievesa community cries Driving alongin the back ofthe cruiser.Fear, self loathing. 70 in a 70Everyone goes home safe.And nobody triesto arrive earlyat the dire costof someonenot arrivingat all.
oh heck…so tough…my son recently had his driving license away for 4 weeks cause he didn’t stick to the speed limit…hope that taught him a lesson
ReplyDeleteAnd, that is how life is all so easily snuffed out, in a flash of speed and hate of wanting to get somewhere in a rush, or, texting or drink driving, and, someone ends up crying.
ReplyDeleteHard hitting because it’s all true.
Thanks for the visit
Such a sad reality. Nicely expressed.
ReplyDeleteA lot of good thoughts in here.
ReplyDeleteChilling words Rod! You paint the picture very well with your writing.
ReplyDeleteWell voiced.