Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nothing ever goes as planned.

Good evening dear reader.  As I sit here on my couch, typing away, I am a bit concerned about this entry.  I don't seem to be inspired tonight.  One would think that after the events of yesterday, my inspiration would have reached the overflowing stage, and the verbal diarrhea would begin.  Some of you might even be expecting a really long post, describing in detail the last day of radiation.  I will do my best, but that best might not be up to the standards one expects.  So, without further ado....here we go.

As with every 'big' day in this long journey, one has plans and expectations.  Most of the time, these plans and expectations have been met or exceeded.  Monday was not one of those days.  There were many plans for the day, and either they didn't happen or they happened at a completely different time than what was anticipated.  Confused?  Let me explain. 

One of the plans was that both kids would get on the bus to go to school in the morning.  That was the first thing that didn't work out.  David was sick, and stayed home.  Do you see where this is going, dear reader?  This unplanned event directly affected a planned event.  Oh, I still gave Dianne a ride to the CCI...with David in the back seat.  Our plan was to go for a really nice lunch after the treatment.....which we didn't.  If a kid can't go to school, he surely can't go out to a fancy restaurant (and we sure didn't want to take him to one LOL). 

That, dear reader, was only the beginning.  I was asked the question on facebook what time we got out of the CCI.  Apparently, Melanie was actually right outside on the sidewalk...waiting and whooping.  Well, this was the second thing that didn't quite go as expected.  The whole crew that let out a mighty bellow at 12:45 was actually an hour early.  Not through any fault of theirs, nor because of me giving the wrong time.  No, dear reader....for the first time in 20 treatments, the techs were an hour behind.  Dianne didn't get out of the CCI until 1:45. David and I had no idea what was going on.  We were waiting in the van (didn't want to take a sick kid into the hospital)...and we waited...and waited.  Finally we saw Dianne walking back to the van.  Once we found out what had happened....it happened.  I whooped.  I w00ted.  I bellowed!!  She was done!! She was DONE!!!

So, as you can see, the celebration did happen.  It's just that y'all celebrated an hour earlier than we did.  Which is ok.  No, it's more than ok.  Dear reader, I can't thank you all enough for being with us in spirit.  An awful lot of celebrating happened yesterday, and even though the timing was off, that doesn't take away from the effect of said celebrations.  I'm pretty sure the earth trembled just a tad with all the voices being raised!!!  We even had an entire school in Calgary stop what they were doing, gather together and celebrate!!!  And just knowing that all of you did this for us is an amazing feeling...and fills us with joy and happiness.  Thank you, dear reader...thank you.

What now?  Is this the final update?  No, I don't think so.  I will still let you know what's going on, although the updates will be fewer and farther between.  Dianne still has the Herceptin IV every 3 weeks until May, but there are no noticeable side effects from this.  Dear reader, as far as we are concerned, there is no more cancer in Dianne.  The doctors are confident they got it all.  Is the journey over?  No.  Dianne has a consultation with a plastic surgeon in December, she takes pills for the next 5 years, she goes for heart tests every 3 months (to make sure she can still take the Herceptin) and she still will be seeing her Oncologist every so often.

I suspect, dear reader, that you will feel like it is over.  You've spent 10 months looking at the blog, reading updates, wondering when I'm posting next...and now, there is not going to be as much.  There is no easy way to stop doing this...it just ends.  Oh, I'll still use the blog for my mindless ramblings, and you are more than welcome to follow along.  But most of it won't be cancer related.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for reading this, commenting on my posts, and being with us over the past 10 months.  Most of all, I thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, well wishes, cards, flowers, meals, rides etc etc etc.  Words cannot express how much we as a family appreciate what everyone has done. 

I told you I wasn't inspired tonight.  And thus it ends....according to plan.


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